Door-to-door and Airport-to-airport
March 8, 2016 Views
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位于深圳市龙岗南联物流园区,是经深圳市交通局批准的综合性运输企业, 顺景空运经过多年的运作积累,现已与国航、南方航空、东方航空、西南航空、西北航空、深圳航空、北方航空、海南航空、以及中国货运航空有限公司等建立了稳定和良好的合作关系。顺景空运在提供国内空运服务的基础上,一直致力于开拓各项延伸服务和增值服务,包括向客户提供中转仓库、贵重品仓库、包装、仓储、全国网络送货等服务。我们深知,客户不仅是合作伙伴,更是共同事业的同盟,我们愿与客户同洲共济,与时俱进,共创辉煌。 that secure space on thousands of flights each month and we offer charter flights internationally, as well for your larger consignments. We provide real-time, global tracking as part of our standard capabilities. Our global, door-to-door services include customs clearance and forwarding to interior points, as well as coordinating with our ocean operations for on forwarding cargo in the most cost efficient manner. Select VATAR FREIGHT , and you'll get fast, efficient international airfreight delivery worldwide..