sea and air imported

July 31, 2012 | tags | views
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我司为提高空运服务质量,真正做到出运前客户放心,空运中客户安心,到达目的港客户舒心,独立于公司其他部门成立了更为细分职责的客户服务部,建立了快速处理问题的快速反应制度,做到当天问题当天解决,为客户最大程度的减少损失!以期为客户提供效率为赢的合作! agent services of land, sea and air imported and exported cargoes, including canvassion, booking, cargo storing, transfer transport, container, CFS, customs declaration, commodity inspection; registration of processing trade manual, deferment, modify, offset of processing trade manual, application of tax remission, consultation services and so on. The company has a set of high quality, comprehensive services system and high quality staffs, it insists on reasonable price, good service, normative and safe management standards.

The company's headquarter is located in Jinhua city and the company has its own customs broker. In Jinhua, Shanghai and Ningbo it has own offices, storehouses, many vehicles, it can safely, rapidly and exactly transport the cargoes to ports.


