国际海运HAKATA 海运散货HAKATA港口代理
November 28, 2012 | tags HAKATA | views
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The service philosophy: provide sincere and valuable service to customers.
The company culture: for staffs further development, to create asset value for company, to get harmonic environment in community.
Our mission: become a navigator in supply chain management.
With the huge expanding of company, we would like to invite talents to join our company, the candidates of qualification as below mentioned.
☆ 国际空运,借用香港9年的航空公司关系,利用其优厚丰富的资源,专注于欧洲中东印度专线发展。
☆ 国际海运,秉承连续5年的船公司关系网,高质量处理各种集装箱,走向更高更远的航运物流服务巅峰。
☆国际快递,个性化设计小件货物流向的方案,并全力打造速递 业务平台而优化客户文件包裹类的需求。
☆ 仓储报关,注重物流细分环节,为进出口企业解决在国际贸易过程中有必然连接的关务与仓储问题。
The company culture: for staffs further development, to create asset value for company, to get harmonic environment in community.
Our mission: become a navigator in supply chain management.
With the huge expanding of company, we would like to invite talents to join our company, the candidates of qualification as below mentioned.
☆ 国际空运,借用香港9年的航空公司关系,利用其优厚丰富的资源,专注于欧洲中东印度专线发展。
☆ 国际海运,秉承连续5年的船公司关系网,高质量处理各种集装箱,走向更高更远的航运物流服务巅峰。
☆国际快递,个性化设计小件货物流向的方案,并全力打造速递 业务平台而优化客户文件包裹类的需求。
☆ 仓储报关,注重物流细分环节,为进出口企业解决在国际贸易过程中有必然连接的关务与仓储问题。