Belize, Belize City Project shipping

July 16, 2013 | tags | views
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秉承十几年来丰富的理论知识和实践经验,在进出口报关,报检、熏蒸、卫生证书、车辆进口货物证明书、保险等方面,培养出一批优秀的专业人才,能为客户提供最专业的操作。尤其在本公司的主营业务上有着丰富的经验与突出的优势。例如:各类进口大型设备、工程机械、电子产品、金属制品、大宗原材料等。此外本公司与船公司、船代、海关、检验检疫局等各相关部门保持着良好的合作关系。能在进口商品的各个通关环节中提供相当专业的咨询与建议,以便客户顺利地完成进口商品的各项手续。另外本公司在上海各个港口码头都有人员现场办公,能为客户的报关,通关提供一个优质平台。 International Logistics (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd provides variouskinds of services.

1.International ocean/air shipping
2. Import/Export customs clearance
3. Domestic transportation of door-to-door
4. Transportation of hazardous materials
5. Overseas transportation of door-to-door
6. Agent of import and export trade

7. Insurance

8. Project shipping
9. Consultation of import and export trade
10. Consultation of logistics
JingQiu International Logistics (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd has goodrelationships with container terminals,container freight stations and shippingcompanies such as COSCO,CSCL,ANL,ZIM,MAERSK etc. Rich experience andrelationships give a high guarantee on rapidly and efficiently solving problemsthat may occur.


