November 23, 2015 | tags | views
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hazardous cargo operation team, and senior experts to provide long-term consultation and commission freight condition testimonial and hazardous cargo packing testimonial for customers. The subordinate fleet is provided with special hazardous cargo transport truck to provide safe and considerate hazardous cargo door-to-door cargo pickup, delivery, storage and security service for customers. In the concept of “Customer First”, our company creates a convenient, fast, considerate and safe hazardous cargo airfreight environment for customers to simplify hazardous cargo import and export and make customers enjoy excellent service and convenient logistics.
Our company operates import and export of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 hazardous cargos regulated in IATA, covering chemicals, toxic substances, compressed gas, automobile engine and drug.Hazardous cargo air transport service 我们代理世界各大港口及内陆点订舱、报关,缮制运输单证,组织安排提货。并提供国内到达口岸货物的换单、清关、报检、检疫、接货、拆箱、分拨、和货物转运至内陆各地的运输配送等业务。 我们承接发往世界各大港口的货物的:配舱,提供船公司订舱号码和合理的运价,货物的运输和仓储,并提供多式联运和拼箱、集运服务。我们及时向客户提供退税单据,及时提供提单的副本确认,提供船只及航班的开航、到港信息,并接受客户航线、船舶、运杂费用等各项信息的咨询。
Our company operates import and export of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 hazardous cargos regulated in IATA, covering chemicals, toxic substances, compressed gas, automobile engine and drug.Hazardous cargo air transport service 我们代理世界各大港口及内陆点订舱、报关,缮制运输单证,组织安排提货。并提供国内到达口岸货物的换单、清关、报检、检疫、接货、拆箱、分拨、和货物转运至内陆各地的运输配送等业务。 我们承接发往世界各大港口的货物的:配舱,提供船公司订舱号码和合理的运价,货物的运输和仓储,并提供多式联运和拼箱、集运服务。我们及时向客户提供退税单据,及时提供提单的副本确认,提供船只及航班的开航、到港信息,并接受客户航线、船舶、运杂费用等各项信息的咨询。