July 1, 2016 | tags | views
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Large project specialized transportation
Our company based on its own can control the transport and comprehensive facilities, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the coastal and offshore port logistics resources, use of railway, highway, aviation and other cooperation resources, in accordance with the characteristics of the goods, the direction and the safety requirements, with the loading area, port, road and water and other natural conditions, transport path design for clients the most economical, safe and reliable, reduce transportation costs, to ensure that the natural and physical attributes of goods after displacement. 班轮运输的货运程序
1. 揽货和订舱的概念
2. 交付货物的基本手续
在轮班运输的情况下,货物装船后,船公司都向托运人签发了提单(Bill of Lading),因此船公司把货物交付给收货人时,必须收回提单才能把货物交给收货人。也就是说收货人在提取货物时,必须在提单上注明已经接收了船公司交付的货物,并在提单上签章后,向船公司在卸货港的代理人交出这一提单才能得到货物。如果不是以提单交换,即使真正的收货人,船公司或其代理人也没有交付货物的义务。
3. 凭保证书交付货物
输中有时因提单邮寄延误而出现提单到达时间迟于船舶到港的时间(特别是装货港与卸货港间距离较短)的情况;或因提单遗失或被窃;或是当船舶到港时,作为压汇的跟单票据的提单已达到进口地银行,只因为汇票兑现期的关系,收货人暂时还拿不到提单,因而造成船舶虽已到港,而受货人尚未受到提单的局面。在这种情况下,受货人就无法以交出提单来换取提单提取货物。这时,按一般的行运习惯,常由收货人开具保证书,以保证书交换提货单,然后持提货单提取货物。这种交付货物的方式,称为保证书交付货物(delivery against letter of guarantee:L/G)。
Our company based on its own can control the transport and comprehensive facilities, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the coastal and offshore port logistics resources, use of railway, highway, aviation and other cooperation resources, in accordance with the characteristics of the goods, the direction and the safety requirements, with the loading area, port, road and water and other natural conditions, transport path design for clients the most economical, safe and reliable, reduce transportation costs, to ensure that the natural and physical attributes of goods after displacement. 班轮运输的货运程序
1. 揽货和订舱的概念
2. 交付货物的基本手续
在轮班运输的情况下,货物装船后,船公司都向托运人签发了提单(Bill of Lading),因此船公司把货物交付给收货人时,必须收回提单才能把货物交给收货人。也就是说收货人在提取货物时,必须在提单上注明已经接收了船公司交付的货物,并在提单上签章后,向船公司在卸货港的代理人交出这一提单才能得到货物。如果不是以提单交换,即使真正的收货人,船公司或其代理人也没有交付货物的义务。
3. 凭保证书交付货物
输中有时因提单邮寄延误而出现提单到达时间迟于船舶到港的时间(特别是装货港与卸货港间距离较短)的情况;或因提单遗失或被窃;或是当船舶到港时,作为压汇的跟单票据的提单已达到进口地银行,只因为汇票兑现期的关系,收货人暂时还拿不到提单,因而造成船舶虽已到港,而受货人尚未受到提单的局面。在这种情况下,受货人就无法以交出提单来换取提单提取货物。这时,按一般的行运习惯,常由收货人开具保证书,以保证书交换提货单,然后持提货单提取货物。这种交付货物的方式,称为保证书交付货物(delivery against letter of guarantee:L/G)。