January 13, 2017 | tags | views
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主要从事集装箱的国际海陆空多式联运业务,包括揽货、订舱、仓储、拖车、报关、报检、保险及物流咨询等全方位一站式服务。公司拥有雄厚的实力及到达世界各大海运港口的能力。与MOSK、SAFMARINE、COSCO、MAERSK、CSCL、NYK、CMA、APL、NORISIA 等多家船公司签订长期货运合约,在非洲、东南亚、中东、欧洲等地区有绝对强的价格优势,可提供充分的舱位。采用电子化设备与国外代理和各大航运公司实现网络联机,为客户提供准确、快捷、方便、专业的物流服务。The company has the independence declaration enterprise whichauthorizes by the main customs administration, is equipped with the scene office in the Shanghai shipping exchange. Has with the Shanghai customs data central networking computer declaration system, may provide the import and export cargo for the customer the declaration, the newspaper examines, service and so on inspection。