ITAJAI Logistics

January 18, 2017 | tags | views
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 我司专业代理中国进出口至世界各个港口的货物运输,包括海运进出口集装箱、散货的订舱、配载、拼箱、租船等业务。实行从内陆到口岸的揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、报关、报检、保险等一条龙运输服务,部份国家港口可提供集装箱、散货的"门到门" 运输,凭借强大的系统网络,为客户提供进出口货物的一次托运,一票到底的国际多式联运服务。航线齐全、班期频密、运价合理。
  海运配套服务:我司充分发挥其专业报关优势,为客户提供码头堆场预留空柜、拖车、商检、报关一站式服务。只要告诉您的需求,剩下的事情交给我们,您可以随时掌握货物的流通情况,又可以置身于繁琐的物流环节之外,更好的专注国际市场。AAA Logistics was founded in 2005 as a global forwarding and logistics service provider. In the process,It has continuously been self-demanding and grown steadily. With an extensive network,AAA Logistics’ service are covering Warehousing/domestic delivery/cargo consolidation/ocean freight/airfreight/cross-border trucking and a full range of logistics services.
Changing makes Difference. AAA logistics are focusing on your business needs,goals,and priorities.Its competitive strategy is to provide flexible, reliable, responsive and efficient is much more than getting a piece of freight from one point to another. We are not only fast and reliable, but we take great care of the items which are entrusted to us, treating them as our own.


