November 10, 2020 | tags | views
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主要经营:国际空运,国际海运,国际快递,国际包税专线,亚马逊FBA专线,电商小包, 中港运输,进出口代理报关,保税仓和监管仓一条龙入仓等服务,为不同客户提供海,陆,空,铁路等多元化国际物流运输服务。海运整柜、拼箱
提供中国沿海及国外各大港口的订舱配载和目的港代理放货等服务,承运整箱、拼箱的远洋运输。经营整箱、拼箱货物的配舱和代理业务。用专业的角度与负责的态度准时、安全、优价的把货物送抵目的港。能有效掌控物流链中的各个环节:港口、代理、提单等等,并配备有专门人员负责港口接载、装船作业。Logistics International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter as TOPFOR LOGISTICS) is one of the most reliable and professional logistics enterprises with full networks all over China mainly engaged in total logistics service for bulk commodity and project cargo, also a leading service provider for shipping agency, freight forwarding, bonded logistics, wharf operation, warehousing and inland transportation.
Our reliable service offering is based on the following advantages:
Specialized Team
We’re proud of our high-quality talents in logistics field, characterized by multi-skill, specialized in designing integrated logistics solutions tailored for customers, and good at team working, that can effectively save the total logistics cost for our customers.
Our Networks
Our own branches cover the major ports of north, east and south of China. Our customers enjoy the standardized and integrated service at any time from any of our branch offices.
Benefited from the complete domestic networks, overseas agent networks and partnership alliances, TOPFOR LOGISTICS is always devoted to extending our service area and adding value to our services.
主要经营:国际空运,国际海运,国际快递,国际包税专线,亚马逊FBA专线,电商小包, 中港运输,进出口代理报关,保税仓和监管仓一条龙入仓等服务,为不同客户提供海,陆,空,铁路等多元化国际物流运输服务。海运整柜、拼箱
提供中国沿海及国外各大港口的订舱配载和目的港代理放货等服务,承运整箱、拼箱的远洋运输。经营整箱、拼箱货物的配舱和代理业务。用专业的角度与负责的态度准时、安全、优价的把货物送抵目的港。能有效掌控物流链中的各个环节:港口、代理、提单等等,并配备有专门人员负责港口接载、装船作业。Logistics International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter as TOPFOR LOGISTICS) is one of the most reliable and professional logistics enterprises with full networks all over China mainly engaged in total logistics service for bulk commodity and project cargo, also a leading service provider for shipping agency, freight forwarding, bonded logistics, wharf operation, warehousing and inland transportation.
Our reliable service offering is based on the following advantages:
Specialized Team
We’re proud of our high-quality talents in logistics field, characterized by multi-skill, specialized in designing integrated logistics solutions tailored for customers, and good at team working, that can effectively save the total logistics cost for our customers.
Our Networks
Our own branches cover the major ports of north, east and south of China. Our customers enjoy the standardized and integrated service at any time from any of our branch offices.
Benefited from the complete domestic networks, overseas agent networks and partnership alliances, TOPFOR LOGISTICS is always devoted to extending our service area and adding value to our services.